breath power?
So, it's about one in the good a time as any to go to sleep, but instead I'm here blogging away. I imagine I'll pay dearly for this in the morning, but for now I'd like to talk a little about something which I feel rather strongly about... Hemmorhoids. No that's not it, though I must admit that I harbor a secret and deeply seeded fear of them.
No...instead I'd like to say a few words about aikido. 合気道 ( aikido in the japanese script) something that I've been rather hesitant to address in a public forum. I find myself reluctant to confess my love for aikido openly over the world wide web mostly because my actual aikido technique is about as effective as spam on an open wound (not very, to my knowledge). This lack of aikido prowess can be attributed to several factors, one of which, is that I possess the agility of a beached whale.
Another factor is that aikido is largely an "internal martial art". Where someone taking karate or another such attacking art can relatively quickly develop an effective punch or kick, in aikido, one is dealing with such elusive concepts as harmonizing with your opponent's energy, or developing balance and strength in finding your center. That is not to say that aikido is more noble, deeper, or better than other martial arts (I believe that all paths eventually merge into one) ; but in aikido from the word "go" I have been told to stop using my "physical strength".
I mean seriously people. Physical strength is the first thing I'm going to use when exposed to bodily harm...right?
So, this is the mystery of aikido, the "magic", if you will. Something is going on here which completely eludes logical explaination, something which allows a five foot tall 70 year old to completely control any physical confrontation.

I am continously baffled by the mysteries of life...but I think I have finally come to understand what aikido is all about: its a vicious plot to help short octogenarians take over the world.
Count me in!
*picture: the late Gozo Shioda sensei, creator of the Yoshinkan Aikido system of training; from the Yoshinkan aikido homepage: check out the "english" link if Japanese characters aren't your style...
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