
Lets leave the metaphysical "I, as Blogger" out of it for now and concentrate on the purpose of this visit before the evening wears me into a pancake sized specimin of a man...
I was looking through photographs on my hopes of finding material with which to further fortify my blog. I came across the pictures of when my parents came to visit me in japan about two years ago...being unaware of what kind of time continuum a "blogger" is meant to work within, I have elected to publish some of these aforementioned pictures. A little "back-blogging" ... if you will.
...the picture on the top is of my parents and I (upper left) and the notorious D-BONE (David Bonar) making a live appearance. D-BONE was my original homeboy in Japan, and a world class CD mixer made famous by releases such as "Bone thug", "Boner", and my personal favorite "Bone to pick". Dave currently resides on Victoria island where he partakes in various massochistic activities such as sitting the LSAT.
My mom (yes, the only woman in the picture) is most likely the sweetest thing since french toast. And my dad (bottom left) (A.K.A. "Dr. G", "The G-man", "Double G", "G-master flash", and "Ignatious"...well all but the last one anyway) is a history teacher who posseses a Beatles IQ somewhere near infinity. You might have noticed that he's sporting a fanny pack here roughly the size of a porpoise. I'm not sure that I can support this particular fashion statement, but the man can play a mean slide guitar.

Yo! Check it pop!
"This is a pen!!!!"
Teaching English in Japan is often likened to repeatedly slamming your head into a brick wall. I couldn't disagree more.
Its like having all of your digits removed with a butter knife. (jeez! did I just say that?)
better find the next photo quick...which is a candid of Nagaishi Sensei and I...she was one of the english teachers at the junior high school...

to be continued...
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